John 17:6-19
Who are the
villians of the Bible? If you think
about scripture as the story of God within the world, who is opposed to God
fulfilling what God want to do in the world?
We're in the summer blockbuster movie season, and already, we have seen
villians who are disgruntled Norse gods and aliens who have come to destroy our
world. Many of our favorite stories have
a main villain who we can all root against and hope for their destruction or
neutralization. So who are the villains
of scripture? Name some:
Of course
the primary villain in many of our minds is Satan, the devil, the Accuser. And there are plenty of instances in which
the Devil is trying subvert the will of God.
The Devil provokes God to rain destruction down upon Job to see if Job
would still trust in the Lord even if everything was taken away from him. The Devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness ,
trying to turn Jesus away from the path that is laid out before him. And then the Devil gets portrayed as that one
who is finally thrown into the eternal fires at the end of the book of
Revelation. But what other villains are
there in the Bible? There's the snake
who convinces Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit in the garden. There's the monstrous Goliath who is the
champion of the Phillistines. There are
the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees (people who very well could have been
Jesus' cousins) who antagonize Jesus throughout the Gospels. And then there is Judas. Judas, the one who was destined to be
lost. Judas the one who betrays his
friend, teacher, and master with a kiss all for a mere 30 silver coins.
Judas. Certainly here is another villain who is
unredeemable, right? It could be easy to
think that, but today I want to
challenge that. I want to make the case for
Judas this day. I want to make a case
for the one who set everything in motion that ultimately led to Jesus being
beaten, ridiculed, and publically executed.
evidence is certainly stacked up against him.
It is Judas who questions why expensive perfume should poured out onto
the feet of Jesus. It is Judas who the
author of the gospel of John accuses of being a thief who stole regularly out
of the common purse that the disciples had.
It is Judas who accepts the bribe from the chief priests and Pharisees
of 30 silver coins. It is Judas, who in
the guilt of what he had done, hangs himself in despair. Going by the evidence, Judas was gulty of the
terrible crime of conspiring to murder an innocent who had done nothing to him
other than to call him to be a disciple and love him. Yet with everything that is stacked up
against Judas, with everything that points to Judas getting exactly what he
deserved, I still want to stand here this day before you all and make a case
for Judas.
I cannot
deny that Judas had done a great and terrible wrong. I will not even stand here and try to
convince you that he was simply out of his mind and possibly temporarily
insane. What I will do is stand here and
proclaim to you that Jesus love enfolds around Judas just as surely as we are
all wrapped up in the never-failing arms of Christ this day, the days we will
all die, and into that future in which we will all be raised up into new life
with all saints who now reside with the Lord.
I have this confidence not because of all the good things that Jesus did
for people while he was living, but because he gave up his life so that we all
may be raised up with him in the Easter resurrection. Judas was indeed the one who was destined to
be lost so that scripture may be fulfilled and that we may look upon our Lord
as one who gives up everything, even his own life, so that we may not be condemned
and lost forever.
my confidence comes from the prayer that Jesus lifts up for the disciples and
for us all, literally right before he is betrayed by Judas and sent on his way
to the cross. Jesus knows that this is
the last night before he is to die.
Jesus knows that Judas has already left group to betray Jesus and hand
him over to those who would have him killed.
Jesus knows that he is to be the sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of
the sins of all creation. Yet with all
that going on in his mind, Jesus prays for the lives of all the disciples
whether they be deniers, abandoners, doubters, or even betrayers.
The case
for Judas is simply this. Jesus' death
and the events that led up to his death are the good news that embraces us all,
the whole of creation and raises us up into new life in Christ as a people who
find our joy not in our own accomplishments, but in the great love that our God
has for us. The truth, the truth that
makes us holy, is the truth that seeks us out in our failings, in our mistrust,
in our dark places where it may seem like all we have done is done wrong in the
world. That is grace. Have faith in that grace, and you too will
find that Jesus still loves you and has always loved you. Faith in what Jesus has done is what lifts us